Saturday, February 9, 2008

January 15th: Back in Dhaka

Today sucks. The sights and sounds of the city pretty much have meant nothing to me. I actually currently am completely spiteful of the smog and the traffic and my inability to identify with anyone in the crowds. I was able to access internet for the first time. I got on the computers in the MSU intern cubicle area and went right to facebook, naturally. My friend Amelia had messaged me something about another good friend of mine being missed. I thought it was a famous "Allison doesn't answer her phone or keep in contact with anyone" sarcastic joke. It wasn't. One of my best friends from home, Rylan Cotter, has been murdered. God. I have looked online for information and all the newspapers gave were some cliche statements about a "sweet girl" who didn't miss school or do bad things and was going places. She was going places, and she was sweet, but she was so much more than your typical nice friend. She was so real and funny and sarcastic and politically passionate. She will definitely be missed.

Especially in light of this situation, it is a new goal of mine not to dwell on America and home. My passion has been to make the world a better place for people who can't do so themselves. I will learn so much grom BRAC and I hope to bring that elsewhere, but I can't make any progress if I let myself get sucked into self awareness.

That's about it. A pretty introverted day. Except:
ate at a pizza hut
bought 2 traditional outfits
Rachel's due date is the 17th AHHH cant wait
Saleha-apa is turning into a cenile old woman

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